Special Weekend Star Report: June 24-26, 2022
Surprise! This is a special transit report for Friday, June 24 – Sunday, June 26, 2022
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This weekend is all about taking it slowly. We have a balsamic moon in Taurus Friday, which will meet up with Venus and Mercury in Gemini. We also have a stationary Neptune semisextile Saturn, and Mars approaching a sextile with Saturn.
The balsamic moon asks us to wrap up what we started at the new moon in Gemini which was the first lunation post-eclipse season. When the moon meets up with Venus and Mercury in Gemini, we might be tempted to make plans, and see friends, be social, chatty, or delve into learning something new about one of our hobbies–like listening to all the podcasts, beginning a new audiobook, youtube or netflix series or really enjoying feasting through a library of literature. However, many of us won’t have the energy as the moon loses its light to close out what for many has felt like an extended eclipse season especially after this past week when the moon met up with Jupiter, Chiron and Mars in Aries making us feel all the feels and maybe feel “big mad” about something, or just do the most, or be “extra” if you will.
I know did a superhuman amount of work moving across the country this past week and I will definitely be taking time to rest this weekend, even though I can’t wait to see my friends again–that fun reunion might just have to wait a little while longer than I want it to.
But, if these recent transits haven’t affected you, and you do have the energy to go out and meet up with people, you might find it’s a good time to catch up, tell stories, just watch an old movie that makes you laugh, and dream.
Neptune, the planet of oneness, dreams, glamour, and also of deception and delusion stationed retrograde Wednesday and will remain standing still, drawing our attention all weekend. I love to talk about how we can use the astrology to make the world a better place and I see opportunities here–with the moon traveling through slow, steady, grounding Taurus and information loving Gemini, and with “let’s go!” fast-paced, action-oriented Mars approaching a supportive, slowing sextile to “do-not-pass-go” structure-loving, back to reality Saturn, why not have conversations with others, or research on your own, how to make the dreams you’ve had a reality? Can you slow down a bit and make a list of the actions you’ll need to take or the people in your network you can reach out and talk to to learn from? Or maybe, if you just do absolutely nothing, as Neptune and the balsamic moon might have us do, if you participate in radical rest, perhaps Neptune retrograde can help the ideas and the energies that you didn’t know you needed or that you were searching for find and merge with you in an organic, magical way?
The Sabian symbol for 24 Aries, where mars is, is an open window and a net curtain blowing into a cornucopia. Talk about doing nothing except daydreaming, staring out a window, using that airy Aquarius/Gemini (air signs) energy, to then receive the abundance the cornucopia provides! And the fixed star at 24 degrees 50 minutes of Aquarius where Saturn will be during its sextile to mars is Sador–part of the Christian cross, evoking these Neptunian themes again, of religion, spirituality, oneness, and nature. The part of the cross that Sador represents is evocative of what Christians call the holy spirit–a very archetypally Neptunian concept–a spirit that permeates and animates all things, charging it with the power of a Christ-consciousness which is about love, and peace being with you in harmony with others and all things on earth. The other thing Sador reminds us of are glittering wings.
I was just staring out my window as a mourning dove, perched and looked at me. I thought this was pretty apt because Mourning doves are thought to be angels or messengers of god or whatever, and it’s message brings us peace, joy and harmony through our innocence and grace. And from that bird I went and found the sabian symbol and fixed star I just shared with you.
So, if you see glittering wings flying by your open breezy window this weekend, like I did, go down the rabbit hole. Look up the spirit meaning of the bird, or insect, or don’t, and just daydream. Remember, we’re human beings, not human doings. Take time to just be. What we are… what we “be” is love. Bring in that high vibration of Neptune and just be love this weekend. I hope you can take this time to rest, to reset, and that afterwards you can lean into that air sign energy to share your beautiful dreams with the rest of the world, or just write it down in a journal to find in the future.
This weekend, Do Nothing! What’s Meant for You Will Find You.
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