
“Taylor Shuler provided unique, resonant insight into my desires and potential career paths. She addressed several personal dichotomies I have been grappling with and consequently

left me feeling encouraged about my potential; and equipped with a strategy to determine what will be best for me going forward.

Even though I booked a short fifteen-minute reading, it was PACKED with helpful information. I am incredibly grateful! Infinite thanks to Taylor…”

— Anon., 2023

Taylor was excellent. She addressed my career questions and answered any questions I had.”

— Anon., 2023

“Taylor was kind, professional and very insightful.

On one hand she validated what I already know about myself and on the other she invited me to think about things I hadn’t ever considered.

An hour flew by. I could have talked to her for 2 more hours if I had the chance! I am going to go over the recording a few times to let her words sink in.”

— Anon., 2023

“Taylor gave me information on my birth chart I wasn’t aware of. 🙂 She also gave me a great thought-provoking question-What is it I want to be known for?

She helped me to look at my career questions from a different perspective.”

— Anon., 2023

“Taylor was articulate, uplifting , engaged and very precise with dates and times… I really enjoyed my hour!!!”

— Anon., 2023

“Taylor was amazing! She provided a grounded approach to helping with challenges, which allowed me to be hopeful about my future and the role I play based on my chart.”

— Anon., 2023

“Taylor was simply amazing.

I’m getting a little choked up about it, because she was so kind, warm, down to earth, and generous with her time, knowledge and energy. I’ve been on a bit of a self-doubt emotional roller coaster lately, and she really validated me and made me feel like I can trust myself, my sense of timing, and the vision I have for the business I want to build.

Taylor answered all of my questions beautifully. She made me aware of some important blindspots (and silver linings, too) and gave me keys to navigate them. She showed me and made me feel like I don’t have to hide, and I get to be a badass.

I hoped that I’d get to leave this reading with a little more clarity moving forward, and she gave me lots of that, and I’m so grateful.
Thanks so much to Taylor!… <3”

— Anon., 2023

“My reading with Taylor was so amazing! I thought I had a good understanding of my own birth chart, but she introduced me to, and educated me about, placements and aspects that really made it come to life for me.

She was great at focusing on how to help me grow professionally over this next year and making sure I stay true to my passions and emotional needs. The information and the feelings that I am taking away from Taylor’s reading are invaluable.

I couldn’t more highly recommend her!”

— Anon., 2023

“Taylor was fun, friendly and full of really helpful practical advice. I will absolutely be re-booking with her!”

— Anon., 2023

“Most of [what brought me in for a readings] was curiosity. I’m in a pivotal transition in my life where I am starting to align my external world with the massive internal shifts I’ve been experiencing in personal development the last few years. The space of the transition has been a deep state of reflection, shedding, and making space for newness and greatness and I was curious as to what I could learn about myself in this experience.

[Now, after the reading] I have a deeper sense of how my purpose and passion are continuations and elevations of my ancestors as well as barrier breakers for generations to come. I’ve had a rapidly expanding big vision of my life that now matches a big impact on the world, and I wanted to feel more grounded in what I was continuing.

Taylor’s readings left me feeling comfortable in the bigness I’ve been feeling, and allowed me to alchemize the grief I’ve been feeling at what I’ve shed into excitement for what it’s creating space for. This reading has ultimately contributed to a sense of peace and surrender to my path.

I loved the thoroughness of first explaining how you read my chart, but also going into detail in the different parts of my chart and how they related to my path. I loved the passion with which you read and guided me through the experience as well. It was very special to also learn how my new puppy, Ralphie, a gift that represents my late father in so many ways, was tied into my life. How as I’d been suspecting, his presence in my life is here to magnify unconditional love and connection with myself and others.”

— CarolLaine G., February 2023

“[I am] looking to make a career change. After my astrological consultation, I can better prepare to make a change and go in the direction most favorable for me.

Taylor is a magnificent astrologer. She is brilliant and very understanding.

Not only did my answer get clarified, but she also went beyond the scope of my question. She explained in detail all the planetary aspects that are or will be coming up for me and how to better prepare when the time is right.

I highly recommend Taylor Shuler. She is an awesome astrologer!”

— Liz M., January 2023

“Career challenges and season of life changes as I near “retirement” after 30 years of cereal healthcare work [brought me in for a reading with Taylor].

I have been working with astrologers and having readings for 10 years and I can say this was the best reading I have ever had.

The way you were able to drill into details and the challenges of some of the astrological transits and progressions and still leave me feeling optimistic was amazing. I feel like I have been given permission to slow down, not be in such a hurry to the next thing. In fact, it is essential that I do and bring more play into my life. 🙂

I have told all my friends about you so don’t be surprised if they show up on your calendar, I know I will again. Love the recommendations for further reading (got the book) and will re-listen to my reading next week.”

— Sami C., January 2023

“It was lovely. I enjoyed it very much. I felt a nice comforting connection. She was kind and demonstrated fondness.”

— Anon., 2023

I was lost and unclear on what was going on in my chart. I was feeling pretty unsure of myself and my partner said their reading with you was a fantastic experience.

I’ve gained a ton of self-confidence and perspective after diving into my chart with you. I feel excited about the future and am feeling super sure of my path.

Learning about the asteroid Pallas has been really enlightening and fascinating. It was also really awesome to get a copy of my chart and the several other views of my chart. It’s allowed me to rewatch our session and pour over the charts and take a ton of notes. I learned so much!

[Taylor’s] personality is warm and welcoming and also no nonsense, which I really appreciate and vibe with comfortably. Your readings were right on and the parts of me that doubted astrology are now believers! Thank you so much and I’m already thinking about booking another session.”

— Dae S., October 2022

“I contacted Taylor for guidance with a business launching – when would it be optimal for both financial and social welfare futures.

I have a good date that will suit the business mission and vision statements. For me, it is not only about positive finances, but also positive social impact and compassion for the community.

Yes, there was some information that I had not thought of previously, such as not taking on business debt. There were many other special, unexpected revelations as well, if I launch on a specific date and time. Thanks, Taylor!”

— K. L., Summer 2022

“I am in a life transition and

Taylor helps me navigate big decisions, like retirement, where to live, and what’s next for me.

So many options and Taylor helps me focus, allowing me to take the necessary steps to make important decisions–and validating decisions already made. It’s like a deep breathing and detoxing. After every sessions I feel lighter, brighter, and genuinely seen.

I am fascinated by ‘energy’ and signs that cross my path. A session with Taylor generates so much information to ponder. It’s very validating to hear that where I am in my life is consistent with my chart, especially for someone like me that prefers to live with intention and purpose.

Taylor is so skilled and knowledgeable. I don’t understand all of the signs and meanings behind the charts but I am interested and she presents them in a caring and thoughtful manner, which allows me to use the information as I navigate life. And now that I am listening to her new podcast I will gain a better understanding of astrology.”

— D. M., 2021

“I called Taylor recently for help with a sensitive, important work-related matter. Her feedback and insight were invaluable! Taylor’s knowledge of astrology, along with her senior-management business background, helped me completely reframe the situation. She suggested a number of options for negotiating I hadn’t thought of, patiently discussed the mechanics and nuances of the situation with me in detail, and provided reassuring insight and analysis—so much so that, by the time I got off the call, I was feeling dramatically calmer and more confident.. Her trustworthiness and discretion are also hugely appreciated! I’m a professional astrologer myself, and

Taylor is the first person I think to call for business advice that benefits from the profound insights available through astrology.

She’s wonderful! Her presence is calm and steady, her insights are wise and practical, and her advice based on her experience as a successful executive is absolutely impeccable. I encourage everyone to call her for help with any career- or business-related questions they’re facing.”

— Kris R., 2021

“Taylor is so skilled, warm, and passionate, and I could tell she put effort into personalizing my experience so that I got the most out of my consultation!

I gained a sense of grounding and purpose from knowing how the stars have mirrored my experience this last year, and a sense of hope and renewal ahead in this next one. 

How supported I felt based on all the work I’ve been putting in to navigate my difficult experiences and what reassurance I had in knowing Taylor saw it all written in the stars. 

I received a lot of practical guidance on how to navigate this period I’m in. I’m able to move forward in the world with more confidence about some of my choices and things I was debating as I sort through what this next chapter of life is bringing me.

I know more about why I’ve experienced so many losses and endings, where the new growth is coming, and the power and self-assuredness needed to step into this next phase. I’m incredibly grateful for all the wisdom and support Taylor offered in our time together! I was left with so many gems to keep turning over.”

— Melissa G., 2021

“What an absolute joy to talk with Taylor! Her listening ear and keen attention to detail helped us focus our conversation to my specific curiosities. Thank you Taylor! I’ll be back and have already given your name out to a discerning friend.”

— Kristen F., 2021

“I loved Taylor’s reading because of her knowledge and use of profections and her ability to give me specific timings. She screen-shared her software and I was able to see in action all of the planetary transits and progressions as we talked. Taylor listened to my questions and did a great job answering them. I felt affirmed and very satisfied with my session!”

— Linda Z., 2021

“I can’t even express how thrilled I was with your reading! It was almost a validation that I am on the track that I was destined for, it’s written in the sky. Thank you so much for the encouragement with my lil business 🙂

I am doing a soft, soft launch this Sunday at the Farmer’s Market I run. I will let you know how it goes. I can’t wait to dive into these charts and learn a little astrology. It’s all so fascinating. I’m so glad we have connected and look forward to meeting you in person someday. Thank you SO much!!!”

— Alanna H., 2021

“Taylor provided a wonderful consultation – full of insight and empathy. This was my first time working with an Astrology and consulting my chart based on my birth day. I was truly amazed by how resonant and helpful our conversation was. Taylor started by really listening to understand what is happening in my life, what I’m thinking and feeling, and what I thought might be most supportive. It was amazing to see her pull threads out of my star chart to put into dialogue about these things. She masterfully framed what she saw as the energy currents and potentials in my life in a way that felt more like an offering than a prescription.

I will be reflecting and acting on the insights she gave me for some time to come.”

— Adam M., 2021

“What a rich and wonderful consultation I had with Taylor! She is clearly very skilled in astrology and in sharing those skills with her clients. She has a warm, personal style that makes the experience feel like a conversation with a wise and dear teacher. Highly recommended!”

— Denise A., 2021

“Wow, I truly enjoyed my entire 90 minutes session with Taylor! She is a natural astrologer. Very knowledgeable and sensitive. She applies it well in a manner that speaks well to me.

I was asking about my true potential in life, among other things, she informed and explained it carefully, in detail. Additionally, she showed me the way to achieve it.

Organised, clear, practical, refreshing, simple – that is how I feel during the session. Help her by giving feedback and ask questions that concerns you dearly. She will help you the best she can. I look to the sky for life answers. I wish she is the bright guiding star for you too as she did for me.”

-Hee Xiang T., 2020

“Taylor is a truly gifted astrologer. I am an astrologer myself, and I must say that her depth and breadth of knowledge in multiple disciplines, as well as the uncanny accuracy of her reflections is remarkable. She has a wonderful bedside manner which makes the process really fun – but also makes the time fly so quickly!

Taylor’s reading was both affirming and transformative.

I came away with a lot of insights I need to sit with, journal about, and incorporate into a new way of thinking and being. It was proven to me once again that astrology has the power to help us see ourselves more clearly, so that we can change for the better.

I love witnessing this process at work when guided by the hands of a capable astrologer like Taylor. I cannot recommend her highly enough!”

-Mica M., 2020

“Loved our time together this morning…thank you for sharing your gifts with me!”

-Dianna M., 2020

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