Taylor Shuler


Taylor Shuler

Astrologer & Coach

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Taylor Shuler helps her clients build a powerful brand and business presence, so they can make an impact on the world and the income that they deserve. Taylor is an award-winning, professional astrologer, sustainable business coach, host of the On Thriving: Astrology & More with Taylor Shuler and co-host of Cosme. She blends evolutionary, traditional, Hellenistic and modern lineages. Taylor has written for The Mountain Astrologer magazine, has been featured in The Astrology Hub, The Evolving Astrologer Magazine, has taught for Kepler College, Synchronicity University and more as an OPA Certified Professional Astrologer, OPA Peer Group leader, Venus Star Point® Certified Practitioner, and Society for HR Management Senior

2 Courses
32 Students
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